Proprietor, Adiba Enterprize, Dhaka; Chairman; Dhaka Metropolitan Ambulance Owners Co-operative Society Ltd.
From last 26 years I am providing ambulance facilities to my native people of this country with 20 ambulances. Having these long-time experiences as an ambulance service professional I can confidently express that we have to be more conscious about ambulance services. We have to work a lot on ambulance services system specially transportation of patients in ambulance; specified regulation; mass consciousness; ensuring training for owners, drivers, and assistants; administrative supports etc. Ambulance facility can be the basic right of a patient, so it is very important to have proper management in this service sector. Everybody should participate form their own position to improve the quality of ambulance management system. As there were no specific guidelines, many dishonest ambulance providers imposing their own agendas. For this reason, patients, ambulance owners, drivers and even the government facing unpleasant situations. So, it is very important to set a guideline, reducing the legal complexity and ensuring a proper monitoring system in this service. After all we are grateful to our government that finally they introduce 999 national emergency service. By using 999 customers can take services in a justified price and without any extra hassle, where private ambulance services are also included in this service. Dhaka Metropolitan Ambulance Owners Co-operative Society Ltd. is very proud to be a part of 999 emergency service system. Along all these, I would like to invite all the citizen to be a part of “” thus it can be a prominent ambulance services by increasing the awareness, and ensuring all kinds of ambulance facilities to its’ clients. I will always extend my co-operation to “” and I am always praying for our progress to the Almighty.