A Thought On Ambulance

I am very comfortable to introduce myself as a social worker, Human Right worker or as an entrepreneur. I am still working hard with perseverance to achieve these good qualities in myself but still don’t know how much I can rare these qualities in me.  Health service is one of the fundamental rights of human being which we learn from our academic studies. In health service management hospitals, clinics, doctors, nurses, diagnoses and medicines are necessary. But unfortunately, we don’t think about transportation facilities of the patients. Because we are not being taught that much about this significant issue. Lots of patients are dying by the lack of proper transportation facilities. I am not sure in this regard any governmental or non-governmental research had conducted or not. I aimed to work for those people who died for the lack of poor transportation facilities thus no more patients die any more. I am also trying to establish an ambulance transportation quality framework in Bangladesh. After the liberation there are no significant work regarding ambulance services in our country. For this reason, it is very necessary to set up a guideline for ambulance services. So, this is necessary to set the rules, for examples, what will be the appearance and internal settings of the ambulances, who will direct the ambulance services, what will be the role of government of carrying the patients and how the private ambulance companies’ activities will be planned and managed. In absence of such guidelines people are facing different types of problems. There were no specific rules before formation of the Road and Transportation Act, 2018 and ambulances services were followed the traditional motor vehicle acts. After lots of struggles a section had been added by the government in new amendment of the Act. Although the registration, taxes, tolls and ferry charges are same like any other vehicles. After all these hurdles we are very pleased to the government for introducing the national emergency services by calling 999.  Ambulance service is prioritized as second position in the emergency service system. The people who knows about 999 services they can have the ambulance service facilities by calling in this number. The private ambulance service providers are getting the opportunity to use 999 emergency service by paying mentioned fees to the government due to insufficient number of government ambulances. Though having bitter experiences, I am working since 2014 to demonstrate the significance of ambulances in our society.  The ambulance services have already taken places in many discussions of government and private sectors. I have been able to participate in developing digital Ambulance services in digital Bangladesh. The role of private ambulance services should be awarded the Crown of Humanity for not taking any payment in national disaster (fire accident at Shahid Shohrawardi hospital; Churir hatta, chawk Bazar; F. R. Tower, Banani; Gulshan; Jatrabari; Rajdhani market). I feel proud to be a part of the radical changes in ambulance services sector. I feel glad to be an advisor of an informal group, which is consisted by 1,037 ambulance owners in 64 districts from all around the country. I will give my best effort to establish the rights and responsibilities of this group. In the motive of observing their experiences, potentiality, services and professional excellences the “” has been launched. The objective of this website is to ensure the right of the patients to get proper ambulance services with other emergency facilities.


Our main service is to provide all types of Ambulance services. However, we have tried to assist BD ambulance readers with some medical information when providing services. Noteworthy, almost all types of doctors, hospitals, clinics, Emergency...

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SAM Inno Corporation
43 College Area, Dhanmondi 01
